Tuesday 11 October 2011

Radio show idea agreed!

I have had my slot confirmed for my radio show on Peterborough FM - I shall be broadcasting The Pleasuredome Pick'n'Mix on Thursday evenings between 8-9pm though which Thursday I start is still be decided.

The show will primarily be music based combining classic guitar tracks (The Picks) with the best of 80s and 90s electronica (The Mix). Some material will be rare or even specially mixed/edited for the show by me.

A regular item on the show will be 'Tripleplay' where I play three songs on a particular theme whether it's a simple keyword, a year of release or about someone who appeared on all three records etc. I will be encouraging listeners to contact the show and say what they think the theme is before the end of the feature.

Future programmes are expected to include occasional interviews and lighthearted chat with studio guests on a range of different topics. I also plan to take a sideways humourous look at the news and sport as well as highlight different events happening in and around the city of Peterborough.

Anyway, more news when I have it...

I have lots of other good stuff to blog about but that will come later this evening. This time I promise to do it!

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Radio Training Complete!

I had my final radio training lesson last night. Me and another 'student' did a 12 minute show with me on the desk. The topic we discussed was wellbeing and happiness (his choice) while I prepared a running order and chose the music.

While I had my intro music with me on a CD it was a bit annoying that the other two tracks we wanted to play (It's my life by Talk Talk and You get what you give by The New Radicals) weren't stored on their system. In the end we did Walk of Life by Dire Straits and then Ace of Base with Beautiful Life which were both were picked due to their loose connection with the show's subject matter.

When we listened to the play back I noticed I didn't turn on my co-presenter's mic on at first and then left backing track on full while he was talking. They were only glitches mind so I'm confident I can run a decent show now I've spotted those pitfalls.

The tutor said that we are all ready to start broadcasting on Peterborough FM so all we have to do is agree a show format and then book a slot. That means my first show could be in the next couple of weeks - Hurrah!

On a separate note the hectic lifestyle I've been living lately is settling down so I can begin to get back to the blog gain. I will give a more detailed update later this evening.