Thursday 22 September 2011

Fighting deadlines and Mr Sniffles

So we reach the second day at which point I find myself stood in front of death's door. Yesterday I had a tickly cough come visit during the afternoon which lead to some pretty heroic sneezing by the evening. Ultimately it was bad enough being on the so-called 'good' side of the door of death so quite what it was like beyond the facade I really couldn't say...other than that it being terminal.

I had a fair bit work to do on the company magazine last night which again ran into the early hours. By the time I finished at 3:00am, I was finished too. Frankly I was finished several hours earlier but that gets back to the point of me trying to get my life in balance and the challenge it's turning out to be.

I haven't really got time to write too much today but I'll do the usual summing up.

Progress on Day Two
  • Steady progress on the company magazine but still some crucial information missing with key individuals unavailable
  • Reviewed the joint press release which was full of holes - told my manager and PR agency so in a mult-point email. Gives me confidence that I can spot what the professionals appear to miss.
  • Sent the wife's mother her birthday present but got stung in postage as we'd left it so late to send. I did, however, buy a spare greetings card to keep in the office should I get caught short that way in the future
  • Sent voluntary work form through to the community radio station and am booked into the tomorrow's training course - yay!
  • Listened to Hollie read her school book - she's doing very well
Tasks not done
  • Complete form for unused car tax
  • Write explanatory note to Anglian Water regarding incorrect billing for last address
Didn't get to these again and as I'm in an all morning team meeting tomorrow with a half day annual leave scheduled for the afternoon, I'm struggling to see how I'll do it tomorrow either. I don't like putting barriers there but by leaving it in the blog I'm going to end up looking stupid so there it stays - it will encourage me to do something about it before Blogger close the blog for repetitive posting. It's mad really as neither is that big a job.

Bad Things
  • Allowed myself to get stressed and sarcastic when the children bickered but I plead a tired and sickly father. I can't promise he won't be around tomorrow but I have my eye on him
  • Still not properly planning for the next day - very much in fire fighting mode.
Good Things
  • It's pay day tomorrow! Hurrah!!!

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