Thursday 22 September 2011

A Time to Clear (it up)

So here we are, the third blog post in a day, but by jimminy don't get used to that because this is extraordinarily unlikely to ever happen again. Basically I want to close today's proceedings by updating earlier posts and list the key tasks to get started tomorrow.

To start with I got a reply about the Community Radio Reporter/Assistant Producer position, something I was originally looking at as far back as last February. The good news is that they are running four training courses starting this Friday covering the following:
Session 1
Introduction to Community Radio, ground rules and roles of volunteers / How to produce good quality of sound, use a recorder device and interviewing for radio.

Session 2
Writing for the radio, different features that make a ‘good radio’ / Group work: how to make an intro for a radio programme, a jingle, prepare a draft of running order and use signposting techniques.

Session 3
Desk driving: learn how to use the radio studio, microphones and playout system. Digital editing: edit music and voice pieces to make jingles or trails.

Session 4
The broadcasting code of conduct, what you can say and can’t say on the radio / Group work: produce a 10 minutes radio show and listen back to it; book a slot on the Community Radio schedule, queries, feedback.
That looks really exciting to me - I've always wanted to be involved in something like this and to get training like this when I wasn't expecting it is fab. All I have to do is book myself on the course and turn up on the day.

The other bit of good news is about the Local Event Co-ordinator for the epilepsy charity. I've spoken with one of their Fundraising Managers and have arranged to have a meeting in early October.

The part-time job I called about earlier came to nothing - they had their chance but they blew it. If they can't even be bothered to answer the phone why should give them the benefit of my awesomeness? However, I may have found another that's even better as is it's closer to home and much more sociable hours. Paperwork is winging its way to me as we speak so fingers crossed.

Two voluntary roles and a part-time job might seem too much and it may yet prove so but I'm certain I can make it work purely because of each's likely working pattern. We can but try.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, I've deliberately not named names of any of these organisations yet as nothing is signed and seeled. Once they are I feel I can probably smoother you in the detail so have a cloth handy.

Additional Progress on Day One
  • At work I did a bit of stroking with two female members of staff, the kind that won't lead to a sexual harrassment court case. Basically I simply reassured them they were doing the right thing on their respective projects and backed them by approaching management to address their concerns
  • Went to the bank regarding my new bank account but am still missing certain information. Once I have that I can make an appointment to set the account up officially
  • I've found a basic online money management training course which looks to be a nice way into starting a loving relationship with money rather than one that's more akin to domestic violence
  • I've reviewed my finances for the coming month and they are quite grim at this exact moment in time. Surprisingly I'm not too worried about that because I see a path opening up how I can be vastly better off by the end of October. Again, more details as when but the elimination of bank charges will be a major factor in this step forward
  • I did a two mile walk this evening but that was aided by the need to get some more electric before the meter ran out of emergency power. Still, it's a good bit of exercise so shouldn't be knocked 
      Tasks not done
      • Complete form for unused car tax
      • Write explanatory note to Anglian Water regarding incorrect billing for last address
      Simply ran out of time though the former has more to do with the fact that the form is still in the car, it's raining, and I'm not wearing any trousers. I will do both these tomorrow lunchtime.

      Tomorrow's Tasks
      • Company magazine - design and article writing (starts tonight actually)
      • Corporate brochure  - add in photo and confirm that all copy is correct and ready to be sent to print.
      That's it. All other jobs can go hang wait until the evening when I'll make a new task list covering both work and personal projects.

      Such fun!

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