Wednesday 21 September 2011

Getting off my backside

I'm in a mid-life crisis. There! I've said it! Can I go now?

This crisis is largely self-inflicted, and in thinking about it for more years than I care to remember, I've actually done naff all in trying to avoid it. Part of that makes sense because you can't stop the ageing process but in all honesty I should've at least be a bit better prepared for this stage of life than the tired old potato head you see before you now.

In many ways I feel I have more in common with a moody teenager who's wondering where his first lay is coming from. As a 42 year old with three kids I have at least achieved that particular goal thrice over, at least I think I have, the wife might see things differently.

There is a serious point to all this; it seems the longer time goes on the further away I get from those big dreams I had but that might be because I've already missed the 'millionaire by the time I'm 30' goal by quite some distance. No matter, I am optimist, I believe I can make my life better but first I have to get up off my arse and do something about it. And a sizeable arse it is too but don't let that distract you.

With the time now after 3:00am it would be foolhardy to claim that I'm treating my body with any great respect. That obviously has to change but that's just one thing of many I have to address but more of that later. Now I'm going to bash out a few things I have to do tomorrow so I have more than half a chance of remembering what the hell they were in the first place.

Without going into the detail now I need to kick-start my whole way of living and give it meaning and to do that I'm going to do some volunatary work. How little or much this will be rather depends on the feedback I get from the list of organisations I harvested from the voluntary section on the Jobseekers site earlier. On that site I also found a few part-time positions that might make us a little cash too so I'm going to contact them tomorrow as well.

On another financial note I want to change my HSBC bank account and I believe I have all the paperwork I need to get that started. After 23 years it's time for a change but only because I'm continually fleecing their pockets with excessive bank charges. I also have to get a few other financial safety nets in place before pay day on Friday or we'll end up skint again for another month and frankly, I'm getting mighty tired of that state of affairs.

So to tomorrow...
  • Choose three best part-time jobs and call to apply for at least one of them
  • Visit 'new' bank to open new bank account
  • Make 'that call' regarding pre-pay day funds
  • Choose three best voluntary positions and call to apply for at least one of them
Other tasks
  • Complete form for unused car tax
  • Write explanatory note to Anglian Water regarding incorrect billing for last address

I'll explain the 'whys?' and the WTFs of all this in future posts but for now you have a flavour of what I'm looking to do get my life back on track. I hope you'll tune in to follow my progress...

Goodnight all!

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