Tuesday 27 September 2011

Radio Ga Ga

Short post today just to prove I'm still around.

The bug I picked up at the beck end of last week has rather laid me low these past few days but hasn't quite incapacitated me totally. Well, not enough to use it as a totally convincing excuse for not updating the blog. However, at this precise moment, I have a lingering headache that's been around all day and a pain in the neck aggravated every time I cough (which is often). The upshot is is that I should be in bed (which I'm not).

The purpose of these lines is therefore to say that while I'm still not doing things right, that my cranial to-do list is not getting done, that my finances aren't getting sorted but that I have least found a purpose that at least gives me psychological boost in the right general direction - Peterborough FM.

On Friday I had the first of four training sessions and I really enjoyed it. It was great opportunity to meet some new people, to play with proper recording equipment and to learn what is really possible if you put your mind to it.

To cut a long story short the training was held in an upstairs room that was doubling as a theatrical group's rehearsal area. The course leader was Italian and my fellow trainees were a heady mix of individuals that proved in an instant that this was a real community project. There was an excitable Polish woman, a self-depreciating man from the Indian sub-continent, a timid lady interested in Country & Western music, a brash ex-army body builder and a bouncer turned child care assistant.

The goal for the course, it transpires, is for us all to host our own radio show by the end of the four sessions and that can be any show we like as long as we don't swear or use the opportunity to do anything un-community like. The idea of having my own show to play my own choice of music and content just felt liberating.

Part of the training involved using some nifty hand held recording equipment for interviews but when we went to test them myself and Miss Country & Western conspired to record neither of our interviews. Pressing the record button twice seemed an instruction beyond us it seems.

All in all I left very excited at the possibilities and who knows, it might open a whole new direction in life if it goes well.

As I've missed a few days I'll skip the progress part of the update and begin that again tomorrow. For now, here's my growing list of things to do...

Tasks not done
  • Complete form for unused car tax
  • Write explanatory note to Anglian Water regarding incorrect billing for last address
  • Complete and send off application form for part-time job
  • Set up new bank account
Good Things
  • Spoke to dad about the car - the wheels are in motion as it were

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